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          O-ring common materials and application range

          O-ring is one of the more commonly used sealing rings at present. Because of the different working conditions used, most of the requirements for sealing rings are not the same, so there are many types of sealing rings. What are the common materials of O-ring? What is the case in general?
          Dongshengdi seal tells you: the general common material is hydrogenated cyanobutyl rubber, cyanobutyl rubber, silicone rubber, fluorine rubber, fluorosilicone rubber, butyl rubber, etc.
          1. Hydrogenated butadiene cyanide rubber
          It has good corrosion resistance, compression resistance and tear resistance, and can resist the damage of ozone, sunlight and oil pollution. It is suitable for the O-ring seal in automobile engines, washing machinery and new ring refrigeration system, but it can not be used in esters, alcohols and aromatic solvents.
          2, butadiene cyanorubber
          The cost is low, the use is more extensive, generally used in water, silicone oil, glycol hydraulic oil and other media, but in ozone, ketone nitro hydrocarbon and other polar solution is not suitable for use.
          3, silicone rubber
          It can withstand cold, heat, ozone and atmospheric aging damage, but its tensile strength is poor, and it does not have oil resistance. It is generally used in O-ring seals on household appliances, such as microwave ovens, water heaters, electric irons, water dispensers, kettles, etc.
          4, fluorine rubber
          Has good ozone resistance and weather resistance, high temperature resistance performance is better than silicone rubber, but poor cold resistance. It is generally used in fuel systems and chemical plant O-rings. It is not recommended to be used in ketone and nitration mixtures.
          5, fluorosilicone rubber
          Fluorosilicone rubber combines the advantages of silicone rubber and fluorine rubber, which can resist the corrosion of oxygen-containing compounds, fluorine-containing solvents and aromatic solvents, and has better oil resistance, fuel oil resistance and solvent resistance. O-ring, generally used in military and aerospace fields, is not recommended in brake oil and ketones.
          6, butyl rubber
          Good heat resistance and air tightness, can resist sunlight, polar solvents and ozone damage, insulation is also good, can be exposed to oxides or animal and vegetable oils, generally used in vacuum equipment and chemical resistant O-ring, can not be used with petroleum, aromatic hydrocarbons or kerosene.
          In addition, O-ring material and neoprene, acrylic rubber, natural rubber, perfluorinated rubber, EPDM rubber and polytetrafluoroethylene, if you have other requirements on the performance of seals, welcome to contact Dongshendi seal, 17 years of experience for you to design suitable seals for your working conditions!



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