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          What is the difference between the high temperature resistant silicone strip and the general rubber strip?

          1. Silica gel material has good sealing performance, high temperature resistance, weather resistance, anti-aging resistance, shockproof and waterproof, and can fit all kinds of smooth surface material
          2, can be back adhesive tape, better sealing, high temperature resistant adhesive for a long time does not fall off. Environmental protection and safety, good insulation, high temperature resistance, small compression deformation, strong resilience, non-toxic
          3. The foaming uniform density of the foaming silicone strip can be 0.25-0.85g/cm3, and the Shore hardness is 15-30A. Environmental protection material, good resilience, good flexibility, no air bubbles and no pores on the surface. High strength, long service life, product insulation, environmental protection, high and low temperature resistance, compression resistance, acid and alkali resistance, aging resistance, UV resistance.
          4. The surface is smooth and the foaming density is uniform
          5, good surface non-viscosity, good air permeability
          6, the use of 100% high-quality silica gel raw materials, and through strict testing, in line with environmental standards.
          7. High temperature resistance: -70 degrees -300 degrees
          8. Heat resistance: silicone rubber has much better heat resistance than ordinary rubber, and can be used almost forever at 150 degrees without performance change; It can be continuously used for 10,000 hours at 200 degrees; It can also be used for a period of time under 350 degrees.
          9, weather resistance: ordinary rubber in the corona discharge generated by ozone degradation, and silicone rubber is not affected by ozone. And for a long time in the ultraviolet and other climate conditions, its physical properties only slight changes.
          10, anti-aging, corrosion resistance, silica gel itself has a strong inertia


          Dongshengdi rubber sealing products selection of different materials can meet different high and low temperature resistance, high and low pressure resistance, wear resistance, acid and alkali resistance, and other chemical media corrosion, aging resistance, resistance to special oil high pressure and fatigue and other working conditions, can be designed according to customer needs of the appropriate products.


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          All rights reserved:Dongguan dongshengdi sealing products co., LTD For the record:粵ICP備12066687號

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